I'm not good at english :(
So,there may be the sentence that does not make sense :p
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Moyougae now can use!
You can switch at Moyougae added at left bottom in Menu.
*Once a pattern of Moyougae you have purchased can be modified again and again*
もようがえ moyougae rearranging a room
Rearranging a room is called Moyougae in Japan.
In this game,I think that it's probably like changing the theme.
(I do not know exactly, since I don't try it.)
Moyougae don't appear unless expanded.

We will offer a price-half ticket for "rearranging a room".
半額 はんがく hangaku half-price

池と床の間 (ike to tokonoma / Pond and Tokonoma(Japanese traditional Style))
ウッドデッキ (uddodekki / wooddeck(American or European Style?))

Katsuobushi(鰹節 or かつおぶし) or okaka(おかか) is the Japanese name for dried, fermented, and smoked skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis).

"Temari" means "hand ball" in Japanese.

(赤 あか aka / red)
(あお ao / blue)
(き ki / yellow)

Zabuton with Cover of pattern of cherry blossoms.

Cushion modeled after the shape of Sakura mochi.
クッション(くっしょん kusshon / cushion)
(イエロー いえろー iero- / yellow)
(グリーン ぐりーん guri-n / green)
*I forgot to take a screenshot (ノ∀`)

Google Images ねこちぐら
ちぐら/つぐら(chigura/tsugura) is expressed with 稚座 in Japanese Kanji,
and means 籠(かご kago a basket) in Nagaoka_dialect.

Goza is the Japanese name for the straw(rush) mat.

Cat tower of modern style?

Tunnel modeled after the shape of Koinobori.

Tunnel modeled after the shape of chikuwa.
トンネルホルスタイン (tonnel horusutain / tunnel Holstein)
Tunnel modeled after the markings of Holstein.

ねずみ (nezumi / rat)
It is said that if give it cats,many cat is excited and kick it.
"keri/keru" means "kick", "nuigurumi" means "stuffed toy" in Japanese Language.
So it probably was named Kerigurumi.
Kerigurumi is seems brand name.There is a product that contain Matatabi(silvervine).
Google Images けりぐるみ
Google Videos けりぐるみ

うさぎ (usagi / rabbit)

梅壺(ume tsubo) is a pot for Umeboshi.This have no relation to "Umetsubo" in Genji Monogatari.
Google Images 梅壺

(あお ao / blue)
(あか aka / red)
(き ki / yellow)

Do you want to see the flyer (advertising) that [Name of the Cat] was brought?
If you tap "はい",Advertising will appear.