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・This entry may include "ネタバレ". "ネタバレ(ねたばれ netabare)" means the information that disclose the core part and the detail of a game, novel, manga, movie, etc.
That is, Spoiler Alert!
Ver. 1.4.0 update
- Added new cats.
新ねこが追加されました。 - Added new goods.
新グッズが追加されました。 - Added the capability of extending the photographing range.
In the individual camera screen, you can scale down it by doing pinch-in, and scale up by doing pinch-out.
- Increased in the max number of photograph of the "Free Album" to 72 sheets from 48 sheets.
フリーアルバムの数が48枚から72枚に増加しました。 - Added the capability of adding page of each album.
各アルバムのページが追加できるようになりました。Free Album max 16 pages( 96 sheets) individual album of cats max 8 pages ( 48 sheets)
フリーアルバム最大16ページ(96枚) ねこ個別アルバム最大8ページ(48枚)The adding of one page require "10 gold niboshi".
※ 1ページの追加には「10金にぼし」が必要です。
“カブセル” is “capsule” in Japanese notation.
玉 means usually a ball or sphere.
"カプセル玉" is a container of Gacha Gacha toy.
もみじ座布団(もみじざぶとん momiji zabuton)
"もみじ 紅葉 momiji" is a Japanese maple.
This is a zabuton with Cover of pattern of Japanese maple.
This is a cube-type house for cat and dog.
“オレンジ” is “orange” in Japanese notation.
“ネイビー” is “navy” in Japanese notation.
“ティラミス” is “tiramisu” in Japanese notation.
"サイコロ" means a dice.
“ドーム” is “dome” in Japanese notation.
“ブラック” is “black” in Japanese notation.
"いがぐり 毬栗 iga guri" means a chestnuts in burrs.
“クッション” is “cushion” in Japanese notation.
"壺 つぼ tsubo" means a pot.
"付き つき tsuki" means "with".
"和 わ wa" means "Japanese", in this case.
"箪笥 たんす tansu" means a chest of drawers.
This type of ”和箪笥” also had a function as a staircase.
”すすき” means Japanese pampas grass.
"じゃらし" means a name of toy for cat(dog or baby) . Strictly speaking,this may be wrong :p
It is said that if give it cats,many cat is excited and kick it.
"keri/keru" means "kick", "nuigurumi" means "stuffed toy" in Japanese Language.
So it probably was named Kerigurumi.
Kerigurumi is seems brand name.There is a product that contain Matatabi(silvervine).
Google Images けりぐるみ
Google Videos けりぐるみ
"サンマ 秋刀魚 さんま sanma" means a Pacific saury.
"落ち葉 おちば ochiba" means a fallen leaf.
"山 やま yama" means a mountain.
I have no idea what means "ぽんぽん".
"ぽんぽん" may represent an onomatopoeia.
This cushion is designed in the image of the mountain of fallen leaves and made of cloth.
"たらい 盥 tarai" means a washtub.
“マカロン” is “macaron” in Japanese notation.
This cushion is designed in the image of the Macaron.
Dorayaki is a kind of Japanese confection.
It is a great favorite of ドラえもん(Doraemon).