月: 2015年6月

Neko Astume (Collect cats) – Treasure list

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* This list is not complete. Under Construction.


小さな軍手(ちいさなぐんて) chiisana gunte
A small military gloves.
Homemade small work gloves.
"軍手" is the abbreviation of "軍用手袋"。
軍手 - Google Images
"軍" means an army, a force or troops.
"用(よう you)" has various meaning, but in this case it means "for".
"手袋(てぶくろ tebukuro)" means gloves. "手" means a hand, "袋(ふくろ fukuro)" means a bag.
That is, "軍用手袋" is military gloves.
It seems name are derived from ones which was used in old Japan army, but when doing physical labor such as farming and the machinery maintenance, it is mainly used to protect the hand now.
Yellow dots are projections for skidproof.
I does not know whether it is possible to buy it,but there is something like the following.
クロネコヤマト 軍手 - Google Images


不明の通行手形ふめいのつうこうてがた Fumei no Tuukoutegata
Unknown transit pass.
It is a transit permit of the Sekisho somewhere.
"関所(せきしょsekisho)" means a barrier station or a checkpoint.
Famous ones are Hakone and Arai .
"不明" means unknown.
"通行" means passing or transit.
"手形" means typically the paper which proves certain qualification or a license,but "通行手形" is made of wood.
It is sold as a souvenir.
通行手形 - Google Images


古い十円玉ふるいじゅうえんだま Furui Juuendama
A old ten yen coin.
The side is doing zigzag(jaggy).
"十" means ten.
"円" means a circle, but in this case( a number + "円") it means Japanese Yen.
"玉(tama)" means usually a ball or sphere, but in this case it means suffix like a quantifier of circular thing.
There isn't zigzag in present the a yen coin.
A ten yen coin with zigzag is called" Giza Jyuu".
The ten yen coin produced during 1958 from 1951.
This isn't valuable, but if it's in the change when shopping, it's a little joyful :)


不思議な形の石 ふしぎなかたちのいし Fushigina katachi no ishi
Stone of the strange shape.
Stonework with the characteristic shape to make a person feel power very much.
"石" means a stone.
This is a 勾玉(まがたま Magatama).
"勾玉" is a ancient accessory which is like comma-shaped.
勾玉 - Google Images


銀のタグ ぎんのたぐ Gin no Tagu
Silver tag

The silver tag which nothing is written.

It is probably an identification tag of a soldier.("a dog tag")

銀 means silver.

"タグ" is “tag” in Japanese notation.


花がらの首輪はながらのくびわ Hanagara no Kubiwa
A floral print collar
A small floral print collar
"花" means a flower, bloom or blossom.
"がら(柄)" means a pattern or a design.
"小さな" means small.
"首" means the neck.
"輪" means a circle, but in this case it means a loop or a hoop.


羽根付き帽子 はねつきぼうし hanetsuki boushi
A hat with a feather (musketeer hat? or plume hat?)

A beautiful and smallish hat adorned by a feather of waterfowl.

羽根 means a feather.
帽子 means a hat or cap.

”あしらう” have multiple meanings.
First, it means treat or handle, but it often have bad meanings.(such as "snub one's noses at")
Second,it means match or mix. In this case, it means second meanings.


ひかる輪っか ひかるわっか hikaru wakka
A shining bangle(bracelet).
That which is sold at a night stall.
光る輪っか - Google Images
This is a kind of Glow stick(chemical light).It seems that "Cyalume" is a trademark of Omni Glow OmniGlow, LLC.


上質な筆 じょうしつなふで Joushitsuna Fude
high-quality writing brush

A brand-new sharp-pointed brush.
It is made of high-quality hair.

筆 means a writing brush(currently mainly used for shodo).
For more information about shodo ,see Japanese calligraphy


貝がらのイヤリングかいがらのいやりんぐ kaigara no iyaringu
A shell earrings

A beautiful shell that a small beads are added.

"貝" means a shellfish.
This "がら" is "殻(から/がら kara/gara)" , not "柄".
"殻" means a shell.

"ビーズ" is “beads” in Japanese notation.


かまぼこの板かまぼこのいた Kamaboko no ita

The board which smells of the Kamaboko faintly

"板" means a board.

蒲鉾(かまぼこ) is a type of cured surimi, a Japanese processed seafood product.(Kamaboko)

"板蒲鉾(いたかまぼこ Ita Kamaboko)"はすり身を板に盛り付けて、蒸すか炙り焼いて作られます。
"板蒲鉾" is made by heaping up surimi on a board and then steaming or roasting it.

板蒲鉾 - Google Images

This board was often used as a material of kids handicraft in old times(such as a simple miniature boat).


缶バッヂかんばっぢ kan baddi

It sounds "Kacha-kacha" when it touches other thing.

"缶バッヂ" means a can badge, button badge or Pin-back button.

Can badge - Google images


カラーロウソクからーろうそく Kara- Rousoku

A colorful candle with coloring

"カラフル" is “colorful” in Japanese notation.

ロウソク(蝋燭 ろうそく) means a candle.

Probably it would be a candle for a birthday party.

colorful candle birthday - Google images


かつお節 かつおぶし katsuo bushi

There is a mark sharpened by the nail. A very good smell does.
It smells very good.

かつお節(鰹節)またはokaka(おかか)は、乾燥および発酵させて燻したカツオ(カツヲヌス ペラミス)の日本語名です。
かつお節(鰹節) or okaka(おかか) is the Japanese name for dried, fermented, and smoked skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis).
This is called dried bonito in English.

節(ぶし bushi) is not 武士(ぶし bushi).

A usual pronunciation is ふし(fushi).

When words are connected, the sound often becomes impure in Japanese.
(e.g. k -> g, t -> d, h or f-> b,etc)

"節" has various meanings and different reading, but when "fish name" + "節",
it means the dried, fermented, and smoked fish.

I can't understand why the Japanese Katsuobushi is made an import ban at the EU :(


変わったスプーンかわったすぷーん Kawatta Supu-n
Strange spoon

The tip of the spoon is forking, and it is possible to use it like the fork.

This is called the Spork(spoon and fork) in English.

In Japanese, It is called "先割れスプーン".

"先(さき saki)" has various meaning, but in this case, it means the tip or the point.
"割れ(われ ware)" typically means a crack, but in this case, it means a fork.

"スプーン" is “spoon” in Japanese notation.

It was used with the school lunch as tableware in Japan.

先割れスプーン - Google images


綺麗な石きれいないし Kireina ishi
Beautiful stones

Beautiful stones without dull color.
The value is unclear.

Probably this would be a jewel.


子ども用の腕章こどもようのわんしょう Kodomo you no Wanshou
A armband(brassard) for kids

A Shiny(reflective) plastic armband.
a type to stop by a safety pin.

Probably, this is a traffic safety brassard for children.

交通 means traffic.
安全 means safety.

In Japan, Children attend school on foot basically.

To protect children from the traffic accident in a lot of regions, wearing a yellow hat and attaching a "ランドセル" cover of yellow and a traffic safety brassard are recommended.

"ランドセル(らんどせる randoseru)" is like a satchel, but they are not same.
The etymology of the "ランドセル" is ransel of Dutch.

ランドセル 交通安全 カバー - Google images

交通安全腕章 - Google images


くじびき券 くじびきけん kujibiki ken
Lottery Ticket

Lottery ticket of shopping street somewhere.

"籤(くじ)" means a lottery, but it include a element of fortune-telling or oracle, too.(such as 御籤(おみくじ omikuji) at 神社(じんじゃ jinja))

"くじびき" is called 福引き, too. "福" means luck or happy.

"引く(ひく hiku)" means pulling something.

Pulling luck means,in a word, trying luck .

A lucky person will get a good premium.

otherwise,premiums are often a candy or pocket tissue.

福引き - Google images


小判こばん Koban
Old Japanese oval gold coin

Sparkling and dazzling Koban

The koban was a Japanese oval gold coin in Edo period feudal Japan.(Koban (coin))

It's different depending on time, but if it's converted into the present value, it seems to be from 500 dollars to 1000 dollars roughly.


コーヒーカップ こーひーかっぷ Ko-hi- kappu
Coffee cup

口当たりも柔らかい (←飲み口?)
A smallish and beautiful coffee cup.
Also, the lip of a cup is soft.

"コーヒー" is coffee in Japanese notation.

In Japan, when you would like to drink a coffee,
say "ko-hi- wo kudasai"、(
Because some people may not hear "kˈɔːfi")

"カップ" is cup in Japanese notation.


眼鏡のレンズ めがねのれんず megane no renzu
a lens of glasses


A lens part of glasses.
It's power(glasses prescription) is very strong.

眼鏡 means a pair of glasses or spectacles.

"レンズ" is “lens” in Japanese notation.

部分 meas "a part of".

度(ど do) means "degree". It is called "度合い(どあい doai)" or "程度(ていど teid)".

Perhaps, this might be a lens that loosens the screw of the frame and has come off.


なにかの種 なにかのたね Nanika no Tane
Seeds of something

No one knows what this seeds is.

"種" means a seed or a kind.
"わかる 判る/分かる wakaru" means understand, see, realize, etc.

"ない"は通常"nothing","there is no ~"または"lack"を意味しますが、動詞の後ろに連結される時は"not"や"no"のような打ち消しや否定を意味します。
"ない nai" typically means "nothing","there is no ~" or "lack", but when it's connected behind a verb, it means denial or negation, such as "not" or "no".

この場合、動詞の末尾が変わります。(e.g. -ru -> -ra + nai )
In this case, the end of the verb changes.

For example,
"わかる wakaru / understand " + "ない nai / not" = "わからない wakaranai / not understand".
"鳴る なる naru / ring" + "ない nai / not" = "鳴らない naranai / not ring".


ならない鈴ならないすず Nranai Suzu

A bell which was modified so as not to ring.

"鳴る" means ring or sound.
"細工 さいく saiku" typically means handiwork or a trick, in this case, it means modify or remodel.
"鈴" means a bell.


猫じゃらしの先っぽ ねこじゃらしのさきっぽ Nekojarashi no Sakippo

Neko jarashi(ねこじゃらし) is a common Japanese name for cat feather toy.
Japanese probably played with a cat using the Setaria in old times.
猫じゃらし - Google images

"先" means tip, end, top of.
"っぽ" is a kind of suffix, it means "‐ward".(e.g. northward)

The war trophies which he/she fought and got until now?

"戦利品” means a war trophy.
"今" means now or current.
"まで" means until or to.
"戦う" means fight.

These seems to be nezumi-san and tonbo-kun.

(nezumi san / rat-san) a rat toy for cat.
(tonbo kun / dragonfly-kun) a dragonfly toy for cat.


年代物のコンパス ねんだいもののこんぱす Nendaimono no Konpasu
An antique compass

A compass that the magnetic needle does not stop easily.

"年代"はan age、a period またはan eraを意味しますが、この場合、"物"を追加することによって、"長年を経た物"を意味します。
"年代" means an age, a period or an era, but in this case, it means "Thing that had gone through many years" by appending "物 object/thing" to it.

"コンパス" is “compass” in Japanese notation.

"止まらない" is a negation form of "止まる".

"止まる" means stop.


オモチャの手鏡 おもちゃの手鏡 Omocha no Tekagami
Toy hand mirror

"オモチャ(玩具 おもちゃ)" means a toy.
"手 て te" means a hand.
"鏡 かがみ kagami" means a mirror.

A durable and small hand mirror.

"丈夫 じょうぶ joubu" means durable or strong.
"小さな ちいさな chiisana" means small.


押し花のしおり Oshiba no Shiori
A pressed flower bookmark

A bookmark with a violet flower.

"押す おす osu" means push, but in this case, it means press.
"花 はな hana" means a flower.
"しおり 栞" means a bookmark.

In Japan, "紫 murasaki" typically indicates purple or violet, but strictly speaking they are not same.

The following is a definition of violet and purple.

bluish-purple in colour 青みがかった紫色

the colour of blue and red mixed together 青と赤を一緒に混ぜ合わせた色

"violet"は菫(すみれ sumire)という花の意味と持ちます。(おそらくこちらが語源でしょうが)
Also "violet" has the meaning of the flower called the Violet.(Perhaps, though this might be an etymology. )

Formally, violet in Japan seems to be called "菫色", too.

The image of 菫 is 菫 - Google Images.

Considering the above, this seems to be a bookmark of pressed flower of the Violet.


サイコロ さいころ saikoro
A dice

A normal sided dice.
A person would not hesitate over which to choose by this.

"サイコロ" means “dice”.


清潔なハンカチ せいけつなはんかち Seiketsuna Hankachi
A clean handkerchief

A just washed clean smallish handkerchief

"ハンカチ" is “handkerchief” in Japanese notation.

"洗う あらう arau" means wash.
"~たて tate" means just + verb (to have just finished something).
"綺麗 きれい kirei" means beautiful.
"小さい ちいさい chiisai" means small.
"小さめ" means smallish


せみのぬけがら蝉の抜け殻 Semi no Nukegara
A cast‐off shell of a cicada

A Hard and light cast‐off shell.

"蝉" means a cicada.
"硬い かたい katai" means hard.
"軽い かるい karui" means light.

In Japan,the chirping of cicada is treated as "夏の風物詩", but it seems to sound like only the simple noise to overseas people.

"夏 なつ natsu" means summer.
"の" means "of".
この場合の"風物詩 ふうぶつし fuubutsushi "は"特定の季節を思い出せるか感じる物" または"特定の季節に欠かすことが出来ない物"を意味します。
"風物詩" in this case means "thing that reminds or feels a particular season" or "thing that can not to lack for a particular season".

他にも、"西瓜 すいか suika"、"蚊取り線香 かとりせんこう katori senkou"、"花火 はなび hanabi"、"海 うみ umi"、"プール ぷーる pu-ru"、"扇風機 せんぷうき senpuuki"、"アイスキャンディー あいすきゃんでぃー aisu kyandhi-"、"麦茶 むぎちゃ mugicha"、"麦わら帽子"、"日焼け"などがあります。

There is other "夏の風物詩", such as "a watermelon", "a mosquito coil", "fireworks, a sea", "a pool", "an electric fan", "a ice pop", "a firefly, roasted barley tea", "a straw hat" and "sunburn".


湿気ったマッチ しけったまっち Shiketta macchi
a wet matches

It have been wet and won't light.

"マッチ" is “match” in Japanese notation.

"湿気"はmoistureを意味しますが、この場合、動詞化する為に"る"を追加することによって"become wet or become damp"を意味します。
"湿気" means moisture, but in this case, it means "become wet or become damp" by appending "る" to it to verbalize it.


砂時計 すなどけい Suna Dokei
A hourglass/A sand timer

A hourglass with blue sand

"青" means blue.
”砂” means sand.
"入った" is past tense of "入る はいる hairu". In this case, it means "be in" or "be inside".
"時計" typically means a clock or a watch, but in this case it means a timer.


鳥の羽とりのはね Tori no Hane
A feather of bird

A feather of large, beautiful raptor

"大きい" means large or big.
"美しい" means beautiful or fine.
"猛きん類 もうきんるい moukin rui" means raptor.


つやつやのどんぐり Tsuyatsuya no Donguri
A glossy acorn

A glossy and beautiful acorn

"つやつやした tsuyatsuyashita" means glossy.
"綺麗な きれいな kireina" means beautiful, pretty or fine.
"どんぐり 団栗 donguri" means a acorn.


使い捨てカイロ つかいすてかいろ Tsukaisute Kairo
Ontime warmer/disposable body warmer/pocket warmer/heat pad/hand warmer/hot pack

Kairo which become stiff(hard) after having use.

懐炉(カイロ かいろ kairo) is a Japanese potable warmer.
懐(ふところ futokoro) means bosom or "inside pocket(mainly upper-body)".
炉(ろ ro) means a hearth.

Old kairos used heat generated by a warm stone or benzen. Now, many kairo seems to use heat generated by a electric system.

The poor smartphone seems to substitute for Kairo in winter too :(

"使う つかう tsukau" means use.
"終わる おわる owaru" means finish or end.
"カッチカチ かっちかち kacchi kachi" is same as "カチカチ かちかち kachi kachi", "カチカチ"

"カチカチ" is a onomatopeic word representing be hard.

The "使い捨てカイロ" seems to be using the heat generated when iron powder oxidizes. Iron filings in "使い捨てカイロ" seems to cling by the process of this oxidation and to become "カチカチ".


手作りの切符 てづくりのきっぷ Tedukuri no kippu
a handmade ticket

A ticket such as child made.
A letter is blurred and is not readable.

切符 means a ticket.


柔らかいブラシ やわらかいぶらし Yawarakai Burashi
A soft (boar bristle?) brush

A soft boar bristle brush

"柔らかい" means soft.

"毛 ke" typically means hair, but in this case, it means bristle since probably this is a brush for hair.

"ブラシ" is “brush” in Japanese notation.

Possibly, is this a brush for pets?


汚れたぬいぐるみ よごれたぬいぐるみ Yogoreta Nuigurumi
A dirty(filthy) stuffed toy

A stuffed small penguin(?) toy

"ペンギン" is “penguin” in Japanese notation.

"縫う ぬう nuu" means sew.
"包む くるむ kurumu" means wrap or bundle.
"縫いぐるみ ぬいぐるみ" means stuffed toy.

Probably, this means "a thing made by wrapping a cotton in cloth and sewing it".

Is this a kind of Kerigurumi?


よれよれのはがき Yoreyore no Hagaki
a wavy postcard

Though it seemed to be written something, they are not readable since they are blurred.

"葉書 はがき" means a postcard/postal card.
"よれよれ" typically means worn‐out, shabby or threadbare.

Probably this "よれよれ" was caused by drying after getting dripping wet by rain or water.
It is not caused by time-course or worn-out.

Japanese postal card
葉書 - Google images


しまらないタッパー shimaranai tappa-

The plastic container with a lot of bite marks.
It was washed clean.

"タッパー" is “Tupper” in Japanese notation.


"タッパー" means a plastic container made of Tupperware Brands Corporation,
but, in Japan, "タッパー" is a common noun indicating plastic containers.


大きいサングラス ookii sangurasu


Large sunglasses for when you want to intercept other than sunlight.
(Large sunglasses for When you want to intercept even lines of sight in addition to sunlight?)

"大きい おおきい ookii" means big or large.

"サングラス" is “Sunglasses” in Japanese notation.


変わった杖 kawatta tsue


A wand of unusual shape.
You will feel strange when you have this.

"変わった かわった kawatta" means unusual or strange.
"杖 つえ tsue" means wand, cane, stick, staff or rod.

Perhaps, This is a item that is modeled after “Wand of Hermes(Mercurius)“.

“Wand of HERMES" - Google Images


アンティークコイン anteli-ku koin

Antique Coin


The old coin on which the beautiful design are engraved.
The back and the front have the same design.

“アンティーク” is “antique” in Japanese notation.

“コイン” is “coin” in Japanese notation.



A crown cap of a juice bottle.


A crown with the pattern which has not been seen.
It is equipped with thin cork on the back.

“ジュース” is “juice” in Japanese notation.

"王 おう ou" means king.
"冠 かんむり、かん kanmuri,kan " means crown.

Cork was first used as a liner to seal the bottle.(Crowns - AKA Bottle Caps)


プレゼントリボン purezento ribon

Gift wrap ribbon


A ribbon with a little twisting,
which had wrapped a gift box.

“プレゼント” is “present” in Japanese notation.

“リボン” is “ribbon” in Japanese notation.


曲がったストロー magatta sutoro-

Bent straw


A plastic straws which has characteristic form.

“ストロー” is “straw” in Japanese notation.

Perhaps, This is a item that is modeled after “Heart Straws".

heart straw - Google Images

When I was a child, there was a "G-Clef Drinking Straws".
ト音記号 ストロー - Google Images
G-Clef Drinking Straws - Google Images


溶けないゆきだるま tokenai yukidaruma


The snowman which doesn't melt

Snowman without an appearance to melt really,
but when touching, it's cold.

"ゆき(雪 yuki)" means snow.
"だるま(達磨 daruma)" means Daruma doll.
It seemed that yukidaruma in Edo period is modeled after Daruma doll.
Currently, yukidaruma is made of two snow balls(head and body).

"溶ける" means melt.


専用の伸ばし棒 senyou no nobashibou

A rolling pin for cat's use.


To fit a hand of cat,
custom-made rolling pin.


パズルピース pazuru pi-su

puzzle piece


a piece of zigsaw puzzle.


お気に入りの詩集 okiniiri no shishuu

favorite poetry anthologies


Although the contents written do not understand,
poetry anthology with a illustration of a beautiful cat.



silber pocket watch


Although this is old vintage stuff,Accurately ticking.


古びた地図 ふるびたちず Furubita chizu
Aged map

A faded parchment map.

"色褪せた" is past tense(past participle ?) of "色褪せる".
"色褪せる" means fade.

"地" means earth,ground,land,geo-.
"図" means figure,chart,diagram.
"地図" means map.

"羊" means sheep.
"皮" means skin.
"紙" means paper.
"羊皮紙" means a paper made of sheepskin.


リボンのヘアゴム Ribon no heagomu
Hair rubber band with a ribbon.

Hair rubber band with a ribbon of the dot pattern.

"ドット" is “dot” in Japanese notation.
"柄 がら gara" means pattern.
"リボン" is “ribbon” in Japanese notation.
"ヘア" is “hair” in Japanese notation.
In this case,"ゴム" is an abbreviation of "ゴムバンド".
"ゴム" means rubber.
"バンド" is “band” in Japanese notation.


しなびた球根 しなびたきゅうこん Shinabita kyuukon
Withered bulb

"しなびた" is past tense(past participle ?) of "しなびる 萎びる shinabiru".
"しなびる" means wilt,wither,shrivel,dry-up.

"球" means a ball.
"根" means root.
"球根" means a bulb.(which is like ball-shaped.)

A shriveled bulb which there is soil on the surface.

"表面" means face,surface.
"土" means soil.
"残る" means remain,but in this case, I use "There is ~".
"しおしお" is the "萎萎" in Japanese Kanji.
This is a onomatopoeia of "萎れる".

綿のスカーフ めんのすかーふ men no suka-fu
Cotton scarf


Cotton scarf that is agreeable to the touch.
There is embroidery like a character on the back.

"刺繍 ししゅう" means a needlework,fancywork or embroidery.
"文字 もじ moji" means a character.

革のチョーカー かわのちょーかー kawa no cho-ka-

Leather choker


A leathern choker with locket.
It won't open because it's broken.

"革 かわ kawa" means leather.

カチカチの絵の具 かちかちのえのぐ kachikachi no enogu

A dried-up tube paint.


A tube paint that it was dried up and became hard because it had been put away for a long time.
"カチカチ(かちかち kachi-kachi)" is the onomatopoeia. It means "hard" or "stiff".

忘れられたカギ わすれられたかぎ wasurerareta kagi

A forgotten key

A toy key.
No one knows it is where should to be used.

“かぎ” is the “鍵” in Japanese Kanji.

折り紙の手裏剣 Origami no shuriken

Shuriken of Origami

A Shuriken folded carefully with the "Washi"(Japanese traditional paper).

How to make a paper Shuriken.


Neko Astume (Collect cats) have been updated to Ver.1.3.0.

・Help and other links are here.

Feature changes

・Menu structure has been changed.

・The picture of the goods shows its size.(L or S)
L-size goods needs double the size of S-size goods.

・Bonus item is added in the Watchword.
・How to move and delete photos has changed.


スイカ(すいか 西瓜 suika)玉 suika dama
スイカ(すいか 西瓜 suika) means a watermelon.

玉 means usually a ball or sphere, but in this case it means suffix like a quantifier of Spherical vegetables(wartermelon,cabbage,etc).

これは本物のスイカではなく、スイカのビーチボール(びーちぼーる bi-ti bo-ru)のことであると思います。
I think this is a beach ball of a watermelon, not a real watermelon.

スイカビーチボール - Google Images


カフェデラックス(かふぇでらっくす kafe derakkusu)

“カフェ” is “cafe” in Japanese notation.

“デラックス” is “deluxe” in Japanese notation.

Cafe Deluxe is a new version of the Cardboard House which is a cafe type.

極冷アルミプレート(ごくひえあるみぷれーと gokuhie arumi pure-to)

極冷 means "extreme cold" or "very cold".

“アルミプレート”は日本語表記での”aluminum plate”です。
“アルミプレート” is “aluminum plate” in Japanese notation.

ひんやりプレート - Google Images

天然大理石プレート(てんねんだいりせきぷれーと tennen dairiseki pure-to)

天然大理石 means natural marble.

“プレート” is “plate” in Japanese notation.

ひんやりマットL(ひんやりまっとえる hinyari matto eru)

ひんやり means Adverb to express "state to feel coldness"

“マット” is “mat” in Japanese notation.
L means Large size.

ひんやりマット - Google Images

ナチュラルテント(なちゅらるてんと natyuraru tento)

“ナチュラル” is “natural” in Japanese notation.

“テント” is “tent” in Japanese notation.

This tent is designed with natural color.


テント・レッドモダン(てんと・れっどもだん tento・reddomodan)

“レッド” is “red” in Japanese notation.

“モダン” is “modern” in Japanese notation.
This tent is designed with modern art.


テント・ブリザード(てんと・ぶりざーど tento・buriza-do)

“ブリザード” is “blizzard” in Japanese notation.

This tent is designed in the image of a building like the Ice hotel or the Igloo.

The kamakura is similar to the igloo,but I think that ,strictly speaking, they are not same.

How to make the Kamakura.

テント・ピラミッド(てんと・ぴらみっど tento・piramiddo)

“ピラミッド” is “pyramid” in Japanese notation.

This tent is designed in the image of the pyramid.

のだてがさ(野点傘 nodate gasa)

野点 means a tea ceremony to make a tea or 抹茶(まっちゃ maccha/ matcha) outdoors.
傘 means umbrella or parasol.

野点傘 is used for the awning at the 茶会(ちゃかい chakai/ tea ceremony).

野点 - Google images

For more information about the Nodate, see Japanese tea ceremony.

This goods will match "池と床の間" very well.

ビーチパラソル(びーちぱらそる bi-chi parasoru)

“ビーチ” is “beach” in Japanese notation.

“パラソル” is “parasol” in Japanese notation.

That is, "ビーチパラソル" means a beach parasol.

ガラス花瓶(がらすかびん garasu kabin)

“ガラス” is “glass” in Japanese notation.

花瓶 means a flower vase.

That is,"ガラス花瓶" is a flower vase made of glass.

Neko Astume (Collect cats) - Cat list

* Help and other links are here.

Japanese pronunciation English notes
せいかく seikaku character/personality 性格
せんとうりょく sentouryoku fighting power 戦闘力
きた回数(かいすう) kitakaisuu frequency of visit 来た回数

Bottom left field shows the characteristic representing the cat, such as cat type or appearance.

しろねこさん(白猫) shironeko san

"猫" means cat.

おっとり ottori

This word is used when it describe a person whose personality and behavior are calm.

(しろ) shiro

"白" means white.

In this case, "白" is an abbreviation for "白色(しろいろ shiro iro、はくしょく haku shoku)".

"白色"はwhite colorを意味します。
"白色" means white color.

Hereafter, similarly, color names (such as "黒" and "白黒") mean abbreviations for "-color".

くろねこさん(黒猫) kuroneko san

Urban Dictionary: tsundere

(くろ) kuro

黒 means black.

しろくろさん(白黒) shirokuro san

おちょうしもの お調子者 ochoushimono
"お" is a prefix, so it doesn't important.
"調子者" means that person who gets carried away easily.

白黒(しろくろ) shirokuro

白黒 means Black-and-white.


はいいろさん(灰色) haiiro san

"色(いろ iro)" means color.

ふしぎちゃん fushigi chan
"ふしぎ(不思議)" means wonder,strange,curious.

Basically, it refers to the person(especially women) who have a unique world-view and behavior based on it,and people wonder her words and deeds .

In my image,it is people who are devote in particular fairy tale, the occult, the UFO, etc, but in general, it seems often refers to people whose sensitivity and behavior are slightly out of common sense.

"-ちゃん" is a title(suffix) that is used primarily for young women or children.

In addition, young children uses as a suffix to the designation of relatives.(Eg ka-chan(mom),ji-chan(grandfarther),ne-chan(elder sister))

ちなみに、英語では敬称は接頭辞(Mr. まんぞく)ですが、日本語では接尾辞(まんぞく さん)です。
Incidentally,In English, title is prefix (Eg Mr. Manzoku ),but in Japanese, title is suffix.(Eg Manzoku san)

(はい) hai ash

"灰" means ash(gray color).


ちゃとらさん(茶寅) chatora san
"寅(虎 とら tora)" means a tiger.

"茶" is an abbreviation for "茶色", which means brown color.

イケメン風味 ikemen fuumi

What is an ikemen?
what does " ikemen " mean? (its japanese)?

"風味" means flavor, but, in this case it may be close to "like".

In other words, it is "っぽい -poi" in Japanese.

茶トラ(茶トラ) chatora

茶トラ means red tabby.
red tabby - Google images


しろちゃとらさん shirochatora san

きょとんさん kyoton san

"きょとん" means that the state that a person is surprised or cannot understand circumstances, opens eyes wide, and is being absentminded.

Though I think that's the same in other languages, in Japanese, it represent a person with that element by attaching the title to the noun or adjective.

つまり、きょとんさんはきょとんとした顔(a blank look)に見える人を意味します。
That is,"きょとんさん" means person who appear to be a blank look.

茶トラ白(ちゃとらしろ) chatorashiro

"茶トラ白" means red tabby and white.


みけさん mike san

のんびり nonbiri
"のんびり" means carefree,an easygoing person, or tranquil.

三毛(みけ) mike

"三毛" means a tortoiseshell pattern.
"三毛猫" also is called Calico cat.(tortoiseshell-and-white)


しまみけさん shimamike san

スローライフ(すろーらいふ) suro-raifu

"スローライフ"は"Slow living"に対応する和製英語です。
"Slow life" is a Japlish word corresponding to the "Slow living".

Japlish means a Japanese-made English(an English word coined in Japan).

In many cases, it is far from the pronunciation and meaning of the original word.

It is also called as "katakana eigo".

縞三毛(しまみけ) shimamike

"縞三毛" means Stripes tortoiseshell?


さびがらさん(錆柄) sabigara san
"錆 さび" means rust.
"柄 がら" means a pattern/a design.

わいるど wairudo
"わいるど" is "Wild" in Japanese notation.

サビ(錆 さび) sabi

Probably, サビ means tortoiseshell.

tortoiseshell - Google images

はちわれさん hachiware san 八割れ

"八 hachi" means eight.
"割れ ware" means split or crack.

"八割れ" perhaps means the figure-eight pattern.

So perhaps it means the cat with a pattern of such face.

しっかりもの shikkari mono

"しっかりもの" means that a person who have level-headed thinking(or a sound idea) and strong will.

ハチワレ(はちわれ) hachiware

Probably,"ハチワレ" means tuxedo cat.

tuxedo cat - Google images


ぽいんとさん pointo san

つんつん tsuntsun
Please see the ツンデレ.

ポインテッド(ぽいんてっど) pointeddo

Probably, ポインテッド means Siamese cat.
pointed cat - Google images


くつしたさん kutsushita san

ぼうけんか(冒険家) boukenka

"ぼうけんか" means an adventurer.

くつした(靴下) kutsushita

"靴下" means socks.

This probably means that he/she looks like be wearing socks.


はいしろさん haishiro san

高級志向 koukyuushikou
"高級志向" means that he/she prefer to high-class(higher-quality) product, food,etc.

灰白(はいしろ) haishiro

"灰白" means that gray-and-white.


きじとらさん kijitora san
"雉 きじ kiji" means a pheasant.

食欲のおに(食欲の鬼) shokuyoku no oni an ogre of appetite

"食欲 しょくよく shokuyoku" means appetite.

"鬼"は通常"an ogre"または"a demon"を意味しますが、この場合、それはあることに
"鬼" generally means "an ogre" or "a demon",but in this case,
it means that person who devotes all one's energy to certain one thing,
or person who has a deep attachment to certain one thing unusually.
a fiend of eating?

I think that Manzoku-san deserves to be given this character, but,in fact,
Kijitora-san is given it.

キジトラ(きじとら) kijitora

"キジトラ" means brown tabby.


しろきじさん shirokiji san

まったり mattari

Japanese Slang: mattari (suru) まったり(する)”

キジトラ白(きじとらしろ) kijitorashiro

"キジトラ白 きじとらしろ kijitorashiro" means brown-white tabby?


さばとらさん sabatora san

"鯖 さば saba" means a mackerel.

めんどくさがり mendokusagari

"めんどうくさがり" means a lazy person or a slouch.

サバトラ(さばとら) sabatora

"サバトラ" means silver mackerel tabby.

サバトラ - Google images

しろさばさん shirosaba san

びびり bibiri
"びびり" means "臆病者" in Osaka-ben.
"臆病者 おくびょうもの Okubyou-mono" means a coward,a timid person, or a chicken.
"者" means a person.

サバトラ白(さばとらしろ) sabatorashiro

"サバトラ白 さばとらしろ sabatorashiro" means silver mackerel tabby with white.

おっどさん oddo san
"オッドアイ おっどあい Oddo-ai" is "Odd-eye" in Japanese notation.

人見知り hitomishiri
"人見知り ひとみしり" means shyness.

黒(オッドアイ)(くろ(おっどあい)) kuro(oddo ai)

"黒(オッドアイ)" means this cat has the black coat and a odd-eye.


とーびーさん to-bi- san

負けず嫌い makezugirai
"負けず嫌い まけずぎらい" means a person who hates to lose or a sore loser.

トービー(とーびー) to-bi-

"トービー" means tortoiseshell + tabby?

ちゃはちさん chahachi san

In this case,"ちゃ(茶)" means brown. it doesn't mean a tea.
"はち" is the abbreviation of "ハチワレ はちわれ hachiware".
Please see the ハチワレ.

優柔不断(ゆうじゅうふだん) yuujyuufudan

"優柔不断" means indecision.

茶ハチワレ(ちゃはちわれ) chahachiware

"茶ハチワレ" means a brown tuxedo cat .


むぎわらさん mugiwara san
"麦藁 むぎわら" means a wheat/barley straw.

天然(てんねん) tennen

Japanese - what does "tennnen" usually mean?

Briefly speaking, a person who says and does a stupid thing seriously, not a joke.

It is a little similar to the "不思議ちゃん".

麦わら(むぎわら) mugiwara

"麦わら" means the color of straw.

あかげさん akage san

"赤 あか aka" means red.
"毛 け/もう ke/mou" means hair,fur,etc.
In Japanese, a pronunciation might changes if a word is linked.
ke -> ge
Please see Dakuten.

てれ屋(てれや) tereya

"照れ屋(てれや)" means bashful person.

赤毛(あかげ) akage

"赤毛" means red fur.

くりーむさん kuri-mu san

"クリーム" is "cream" in Japanese notation.
"クリーム(くりーむ)" means cream color.

気まぐれ kimagure

"気まぐれ きまぐれ" is fickle, capricious or whimsical.

He/she is a rare cat in more than "Rare Cats".

It can not be seen rarely.

※ I heard that,in ver.1.3.0, the probability of his/her coming to play had been changed to five times the previous.

クリームぶち kuri-mu buchi

"クリームぶち" means cream bicolors.
Please see the ぶちさん.

cream bicolors - Google images

あかさびさん akasabi san

"赤 あか" means red.
"錆 さび" means rust.

慎重派(しんちょうは) shinchouha

"慎重派" means a prudent person.

赤サビ(あかさび) akasabi

"赤サビ" means red tortoiseshell.

red tortoiseshell cat - Google images

しろとらさん shirotora san

"白" means white.
"寅(虎 とら tora)" means a tiger.

がんばりや ganbariya

"頑張り屋(がんばりや)" means a hardworker, a sticker or a bitter‐ender.

白サバトラ(しろさばとら) shirosabatora

"白サバトラ" means white silver mackerel tabby.


くろぶちさん kurobuchi san

"黒" means black.
"斑(ぶち/まだら buchi/madara)" means patches,spots,specks.
Please see the

さみしがり samishigari

"さみしがり" means a lonely person, person who easily succumbs to loneliness.

黒ぶち(くろぶち) kuro buchi

"黒ぶち" means black bicolors.

black bicolor cat - Google images

くろとらさん kurotora san

"黒" means black.
"寅(虎 とら tora)" means a tiger.

かしこい(賢い) kashikoi

"かしこい" means clever.

黒トラ(くろとら) kuro tora

"黒トラ" means black tabby.

はいはちさん haihachi san

"灰(はい)" means ash.
"はち" is the abbreviation of “ハチワレ はちわれ hachiware”.
Please see the ハチワレ.

わがまま wagamama

"わがまま" means selfish,egoistic.

灰ハチワレ(はいはちわれ) hai hachiware

"灰ハチワレ" means a gray tuxedo (pattern).

しろみけさん shiromike san

人懐こい hito natukkoi

"人懐こい" means "taking kindly to men".(He/She is fearless of man,and is tamed in a minute.)

白三毛(しろみけ) shiro mike

"白三毛" means a white calico.

はいさびさん haisabi san

"灰(はい)" means ash.
Please see the さびがら.

遠慮がち enryo gachi

In this case,"遠慮(えんりょ)" means reserve.
"がち" means "apt to do" or "tend to do".

灰サビ(はいさび) hai sabi

Probably, "灰サビ" means a gray tortoiseshell.

くりーむとらさん kuri-mu tora san

ぐうたら guutara

"ぐうたら" means lazy or idle.

クリームタビー kuri-mu tabi-

"クリームタビー" is "cream tabby" in Japanese notation.

Google images - cream tabby

ちょこさん choko san

ドライ どらい dorai

"ドライ" is "dry" in Japanese notation.
It means unsentimental or hard-boiled.

チョコレート chokore-to

"ちょこ" is the abbreviation of "チョコレート(ちょこれーと)",
and "チョコレート" is "chocolate" in Japanese notation.

うすみけさん usumike san


“むじゃき” is the “無邪気” in Japanese Kanji.
"無" means nothing.
"邪気" means maliciousness,wickedness or "The bad energy that it was believed that it makes people illness".
So, "無邪気" means innocent,native,simple.


“うす” is the “薄” in Japanese Kanji.
"薄い" means basically thin, but when it is followed by a color name or pattern name, it means light,pale,faint.


ふじでこさん fujideko san

ぼんぼん bonbon

"ぼんぼん" means a boy is born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
His/Her owner might be rich.

富士額 ふじびたい fujibitai

"富士 ふじ" means Mt.Fuji in Japan.
"額 ひたい" means brow or forehead.
So, "富士額" means a brow (forehead) shaped like Mt.Fuji.

In Japn, a short time ago (more than 40 years ago?), the woman who had "Fuji Brow" was considered to be a beautiful woman.

In the English‐speaking world, this is called, Widow's peak.

富士額 - Google Images


しまぽいんとさん shimapointo san

"しま" is "縞" in Japanese Kanji,which means a stripe.
"ぽいんと" is "point" in Japanese notation.

泰然自若たいぜんじじゃく taizenjijaku
"泰然自若" means an appearance of imperturbable equanimity for everything.

ブルーリンクス ぶるーりんくす buru-rinkusu

"ブルーリンクス" is "blue lynx" in Japanese notation.
A cat who have a blue(gray?) stripe like a lynx only on a forehead(,feet and a tail)?

Blue Lynx - Google images


とらぽいんとさん torapointo san

ひねくれ 捻くれ hinekure

"ひねくれ" is the abbreviation of "ひねくれ者(hinekure mono)".
"者" means a person.
"ひねくれる[verb]" means "to be contrary", "to be uncooperative".
So,"ひねくれ" means a contrary person or an awkward cuss.

シールリンクス しーるりんくす shi-rurinkusu

"シールリンクス" is "seal lynx" in Japanese notation.
In this case, "seal" means a body color of a seal(sea calf).

seal lynx - Google Images


ちゃぽいんとさんcha-pointo san

忘れん坊 わすれんぼう wasurenbou
"忘れん坊" means forgetful.

"坊" is an abbreviation for "坊主 ぼうず bouzu".
Basically,"坊主" means the Buddhist priest.
It has also come to mean "a kid".(but I don't know when it turned.)

"坊" is a suffix used to describe a person's characteristics.

"慌てん坊 あわてんぼう" means a flustered person.
( A person that tend to be flustered or be in panic and fail for it.)

"怒りん坊 おこりんぼう" means a hothead person.
(A person that tend to get angry soon or by a little thing.)

忘れる(わすれる wasureru = forget) + ん + 坊 = 忘れん坊
慌てる(あわてる awateru = be flustered or be in panic) + ん + 坊 = 慌てん坊
怒る(おこる okoru = get angry) + ん + 坊 = 怒りん坊

But it is slightly different,
赤子/赤ちゃん(あかご/あかちゃん akago/akachan = A baby) + ん + 坊 = 赤ん坊

There is it in various pattern else.

シールポイント しーるぽいんと si-ru pointo
"シールポイント" is "seal point" in Japanese notation.
In this case, seal means a color of sea calf.

はいぶちさんhaibuchi san

"斑 ぶち/まだら buchi/madara" means patches,spots,specks.
Please see the ぶちさん.

世間知らず せけんしらず seken shirazu

"世間知らず" means Naive,ignorance of the world or innocent.
"世間" means society or public.
"知らず" means "don't know (it)".

灰ぶち はいぶち haibuchi

"灰ぶち" means ash bicolors.
Please see the "ぶちさん".

くろとびさんKurotobi san

移り気 utsurigi
"移る" means move,shift,change.
In this case,"気"(="気持ち kimochi") means feeling,intension,mood.
"移り気" means fickle.

In other words, a "移り気" person is one who tends to shift interest from one object to a new one or another.


"黒" means black.
Please see the "とびみけさん".

ぎんうずさんGinuzu san
"銀 ぎん gin" means silver.
"渦 うず uzu" means vortex,eddy.

So, "銀渦 ぎんうず" means He/She has a pattern of like silver vortex.


"甘える"とは子供が親や年長の兄弟姉妹に自分のして欲しいことを要求したり、してもらうことを指します。例えば"抱っこ","おんぶ","この絵本を読んで" 等。
"甘える" means that a child asks or asks a parent or older sibling to do what he or she wants to do. For example, "Hug", "Onbu", "Read this picture book", etc.

”上手"とは"be good at"を意味します。
"上手" means "be good at".

In other words, "甘え上手" means someone who is good at drawing out the favors of others and creating a situation that is advantageous to them.

クラシック(銀) Classic(silver)
"クラシック" is "Classic" in Japanese notation.
But, I have no idea, What means "Classic".
In English mode, His/Her appearance is "Silverpoint".

しろちゃうずさん Shirochauzu san
"白 しろ" means white.
"茶 ちゃ" means brown.
"渦 うず uzu" means vortex,eddy.

So, "白茶渦 しろちゃうず" means He/She has a pattern of like brown vortex on white.

気分屋 kibunya

"気分屋" means moody or temperamental person.

In Japan, Also called "お天気屋".
"お" is prefix.
"天気" means weather.
”屋” means like store or occupation.

It's ridiculing that the person's feeling tend to change like the weather.

クラシック(白茶) Classic(white and brown)
"クラシック" is "Classic" in Japanese notation.
In English mode, His/Her appearance is "Orange & White Bullseye".

とびがらさんTobigara san
About "とび tobi", please see the "とびみけさん".
"柄 がら gara" means pattern.

おてんば Otenba

"おてんば" means tomboy.


"Tobi pattern" seems to mean a pattern in which the basic color is white and there are other colors and patterns in a scattered manner.

It's introduction of rare cats after this.


たてじまさん tatejima san

熱狂 nekkyou
熱狂(ねっきょう) means enthusiasm.

縦縞(たてじま) tatejima

阪神タイガース(はんしんたいがーす Hanshin taiga-su) is a Japanese Baseball team.

This team has a lot of fan, called "虎キチ".

虎(とら tora) means a tiger.

キチ(きち kichi) is the abbreviation of "キチガイ(きちがい kichigai)" and means fanatic, madman or fiend.

In short, they are enthusiastic fan of the 阪神タイガース.

The uniform of the 阪神タイガース is 縦縞.

縦縞はa vertical stripeを意味します。
縦縞 means a vertical stripe.

That is, 縦縞さん is the cat who is the 虎キチ and loves the 阪神タイガース.

The one he's holding in his hand is a megaphone to use it for cheering, not a bat.

メガホン - Google images


ながぐつさん nagagutsu san長靴 means a high boots.

Perhaps, he is a cat that is modeled after "Puss in Boots".

策略家(さくりゃくか) sakuryakuka

策略家 means tactician, strategist, or maneuverer.

チョビヒゲ(ちょびひげ) chobihige

チョビヒゲ means small mustache.

small mustache - Google images

ぷりんすさん purinsu san“ぷりんす”は日本語表記でのprinceです。
"ぷりんす" is prince in Japanese notation.

王族の佇まい ouzoku no tatazumai

"王族" means a royal family.
"佇まい" means an appearance or atmosphere.

Perhaps, I think that "王族の佇まい" means a character that is majestic and elegant.

ペルシャ(ぺるしゃ) perusha

"ペルシャ" is Persia in Japanese notation, and so means Persia.

That is, he is a Percian cat.

名前は"Prince of Persia"に由来しているのかもしれません。
The name may result from “Prince of Persia”.

なべねこさん nabeneko san鍋(なべ nabe) means pots and pans.
In this case, it especially indicate a 土鍋(どなべ donabe).
土鍋 means an earthenware pot used for cooking in Japanese cuisine.土鍋 - Google images

Perhaps, he is a cat that is modeled after "猫鍋".

猫鍋 - Google images

大艦巨砲主義 taikan kyohou shugi

"大艦 たいかん" means a big (battle) ship.
"巨砲 きょほう" means a huge cannon.
"主義 しゅぎ" means a principle or "ism".

Roughly speaking,大艦巨砲主義 means the principle that built battleship with the huge cannon selectively,
believing in superiority of battle ship.Maybe.

迷彩(めいさい) meisai

迷彩 means camouflage or dazzle paint.

I think that なべねこさん's appearance became "迷彩" because cats of "猫鍋" has been assimilating into "土鍋" like an army wearing a camouflage clothes.

Also, I think that his image has become a Special Forces(or Army) by association from "迷彩" and then his character became "大艦巨砲主義".

ねこまたさん nekomata san

ねこまた(猫又) means 妖怪 of a cat in Japanese.
妖怪 means monster, but strictly speaking, 妖怪 and monster are not same.一説には、猫が50年(100年)以上生きると、彼らの尾は二本に分かれ、彼らは"猫又"になります。
One theory,if a cat lives more than 50 years (or 100 years),their tail branches into two, they become "猫又".

すごい sugoi

"すごい" means terrible or amazing.

I have no idea,but anyway he/she will be "すごい"。

オーラ(おーら) o-ra

オーラ is "Aura" in Japanese notation.

I think that ねこまたさん has strong spiritual aura because he/she is 妖怪.

こいこいさん koikoi sanこい(来い) means "Come on".

Perhaps, he/she is a cat that is modeled after "招き猫".

"招き猫" means beckoning cat,lucky cat, or welcome cat.

beckoning cat - Google images

"招き猫" seems to be exported to foreign countries.

Maneki-neko - Wikipedia
招き猫 - Wikipedia(There are pictures of "招き猫" in Vietnam and Thailand.)

商売上手 shoubai jouzu

商売 means business.
上手 means "be good at".
商売上手 means "good at business","having a good head for business", or businesslike.

小判(こばん) koban

小判 means old oval gold coin.(In this case, koban isn't a Police box. That's pronunciation is ko-ban)
"招き猫" hold the koban in his/her arms.
So his/her appearance is 小判?

やまねこさん yamaneko sanやま(山) means a mountain.
ねこ(猫) means a cat.やまねこ(山猫) means a wildcat or a lynx.

山の子(やまのこ) yama no ko

山の子 means a person who was born and grew up in a mountain.

Or it is a word used when person who loves mountain (especially, climbing mountain) comments on oneself.

I think that やまねこさん's character became "山の子" because the sound is similar 山猫 yamaneko and 山の子 yamanoko.

トレッキング(とれっきんぐ) torekkingu

トレッキング is "trekking" in Japanese notation.

えきちょうさん ekichou sanえきちょう is 駅長.
駅長 meansa a stationmaster.多分、これは"あっちこっちレール"を鉄道に見立てて、彼/彼女を駅長に見立てています。
Probably this liken "あっちこっちレール" to a railroad and liken him/her to a stationmaster.

Also, he/she may be a cat that is modeled after “Tama (cat)“.

She is the Ultra stationmaster of the Wakayama Electric Railway.

*Recently she has gone to Rainbow Bridge.(2015/6/22)

お目付け役 ometsuke yaku

お目付け役 means a inspector.

Probably the reason for he/she is that he is a person who watches the operation of the train.

駅長(えきちょう) ekichou

駅長 meansa a stationmaster.

まんぞくさん manzoku sanまんぞく(満足) means satisfaction.

In this case, the meaning might be full stomach.

まっしぐら masshigura

まっしぐら means headlong or head-on.

I think this is coming from some cat food CM.
Its advertising slogan is "猫まっしぐら".

The content was that a cat comes rushingly, as soon as he/she hear the sound of opening the cat food can.

For some players, he might be "White devil".

"でぶ" は fattyを意味します。
"でぶ debu" means a fatty.

だから彼は"ホワイトデブル ほわいとでぶる" または"ホワイトデヴル ほわいとでヴる"と呼ばれるのが相応しいのかもしれません(・∀・)
So it might be suitable that he will be called "White debul" or "White devl" :) .

もふもふ mofumofu

もふもふ means fluffy.

This indicate a look is soft and fluffy, like a persian cat's body covered with long hair.

fluffy - Google images

おさむらいさん osamurai san

This is not important,because "お" is the prefix.さむらい(侍)は中世および近代日本の騎士のようなものでした。
さむらい were like the knight of medieval and early-modern Japan.

元指南役 moto shinanyaku
元 is the prefix means "one-time" or "once".
指南役 means a coach of 武芸(ぶげい bugei) or 芸能(げいのう geinou).
武芸 means like a martial arts, but strictly speaking they are not same.
(For example, How to use of 刀(かたな katana),槍(やり yari spear),馬(うま uma horse),etc.)

芸能 means a general term of composing a poem,singing a song, playing musical instruments, or having a dance,etc.

指南役 teaches mainly sons of high-status House.

浪人(ろうにん) rounin

浪人 means a masterless samurai.

He might have become a ronin for his owner died possibly :(

It seems not such a thing, as far as to see the official book.

あめしょさん amesho san
Perhaps, she is a cat that is modeled after Hollywood star(idol).

アイドル気質(あいどる きしつ/かたぎ) aidoru kishitsu/katagi

"アイドル" is "idol" in Japanese notation.

気質 means temperament or character.

アメショ(あめしょ) amesho

アメショ is the abbreviation of アメリカンショートヘア(あめりかんしょーとへあ amerikan sho-to hea American Shorthair).

びすとろさん(ビストロ) bisutoro san

"ビストロ" is "bistro" in Japanese notation.

職人肌 shokunin hada

職人 means a craftsman.
肌 normally means a skin,but in this case,it means temperament.

エプロン(えぷろん) epuron

"エプロン" is "apron" in Japanese notation.

まろまゆさん(麿眉) maromayu san

麿 is one of the old first person which was used by Japanese nobles.
眉 means eyebrows.

昔の貴族は"引き眉 ひきまゆ"をしていて、それは特徴的でした。
The old noble did "Hikimayu" and it was characteristic.

(みやび) miyabi

Roughly speaking,this word is the old Japanese concept representing refinement or elegance.
Please see Miyabi - Wikipedia.

狩衣(かりぎぬ) kariginu

狩衣 means everyday clothes of nobles.

kariginu - Google Images

すふぃんさん sufin san

すふぃん is the abbreviation of "すふぃんくす(スフィンクス)" and is Sphinx in Japanese notation.つまり、彼/彼女はSphinxをモデルとしている猫です。
That is,he/she is a cat that is modeled after Sphinx.

クイズ王(くいずおう) kuizu ou

"クイズ" is "quiz" in Japanese notation.

王 means king,but In this case, it means a person like a champion of a specific field.

That is,he character may result from “The riddle of the Sphinx”.

Although I had been thinking it's the same spelling,the statue of Egypt was "Sphinx",the kind of cat was "Sphynx".

Perhaps, he/she was given the two appearance(a sphynx cat and nemes),since the spelling in Japanese notation is same.

掛詞(かけことば kakekotoba)または駄洒落(だじゃれ dajare)と呼ばれるものです。
It is what is called a Kakekotoba or Dajare.

The cat called the Sphynx seems to be a cat of North American continent origin, not an Egyptian cat.

ネメス(ねめす) nemesu

"ネメス" is Nemes in Japanese notation.

かふぇさん kafe san

"カフェ" is "cafe" in Japanese notation.

先手必勝 sentehisshou

"先手必勝" means ”Victory goes to the swiftest”.

I have no idea why her character is so.

Fast service?

エプロンドレス(えぷろんどれす) epuron doresu

"エプロンドレス" is an "apron dress" in Japanese notation.

きっどさん kiddo san

"キッド" is "kid" in Japanese notation.しかし、この場合の"kid"は子供を意味しません。
But,in this case,"kid" doesn't mean child.

Perhaps, he is a cat that is modeled after Billy the Kid.

ニヒル nihiru

"ニヒル" is the abbreviation of "ニヒリスティック".

"ニヒリスティック" is "nihilistic" in Japanese notation.

ネッカチーフ(ねっかちーふ) nekkachi-fu

"ネッカチーフ" is "neckerchief" in Japanese notation.

neckerchief Google Images

ゆきねこさん yukineko san

"ゆき(雪 yuki)"はsnowを意味します。
"ゆき(雪 yuki)" means snow.

もろい moroi

"もろい(脆い)" means delicate or fragile.

Probably, this is coming from fragility of the snow.

みのぼうし(蓑帽子) mino boushi

"みの 簑"は日本の伝統的な雨具です。

"みの 簑" means traditional Japanese raincoat.(Mino (straw cape))
This was made of straw.

"ぼうし 帽子"はhatを意味します。
"ぼうし 帽子" means a hat.

That is, "みのぼうし" means traditional Japanese hat for avoiding rain and snow.

蓑帽子 - Google Images

"雪ん子 yukinko"は"妖怪(ようかい Youkai)"または"妖精(ようせい fairy)"です。

"雪ん子 yukinko" is a Japanese "妖怪(ようかい Youkai)" or "妖精(ようせい fairy)".
He/she has the figure of a child who is wearing "みのぼうし" .

雪ん子 - Google Images

I think that ゆきねこさん's character became "みのぼうし" because the sound is similar ゆきねこ yukineko and 雪ん子 yukinko.

さふぁいあさん safaia san

“さふぁいあ” is “sapphire” in Japanese notation.

箱入り娘はこいりむすめ hakoiri musume

"箱入り娘" means a pet daughter,sheltered or a princess.

"箱" means a box.In this case, "入り" means "be put in".
"娘" means a daughter.

Please see below.
The Complete Japanese Expression Guide - Mizue Sasaki - Google Books

サイアミーズさいあみーず saiami-zu
“サイアミーズ” is “Siamese” in Japanese notation.
That is to say, she is a Siamese cat.

Siamese cat

せばすさん sebasu san

"せばす" is the abbreviation of "セバスチャン(せばすちゃん)".“セバスチャン”は“Sebastian”の日本語表記です。
“セバスチャン” is “Sebastian” in Japanese notation.

Why his name is “Sebastian”?

Probabaly,this is because he is a butler of "さふぁいあさん".

In Japan, “Sebastian” is typical name of a butler appearing in the Manga(comic),animation(cartoon).

This is derived from the "アルプスの少女ハイジ(Heidi, Girl of the Alps)".

This is the animation which was based on the novel "Heidi".

In this work, "Sebastian" appeared as a butler.
(However, he is the servant in the animation. The butler is Rottenmeier.)

Under the influence of this anime, in Japan,
the name of the Butler came to name with "Sebastian".

電光石火でんこうせっか denkou sekka

"電光" means lightning.
"石火" means flint fire.

"電光石火" means Lightning speed.

横分け yokowake

"横分け" means side parting of front hairs.

side parting - Google Images

ろじゃーさん ロジャーさん roja- san

“ろじゃー” is “Roger” in Japanese notation.

おそらく、この名前は"ジョリーロジャー(海賊旗 かいぞくき kaizokuki)"に由来してます。
This name may result from Jolly Roger.(Pirate flag).

むこうみず mukoumizu

"むこうみず" means reckless or rash.


“パイレーツ” is “Pirates” in Japanese notation.

しのぶさん 忍(ぶ) shinobu san

Perhaps, he/she is a cat that is modeled after "忍者 にんじゃ ninja".

A ninja (忍者) or shinobi (忍び) was a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan.

"忍び しのび shinobi" is an another name of "忍者".
"忍ぶ しのぶ" is a verb of "忍び".

Incidentally, A woman Ninja is called "くノ一 くのいち kunoichi".
This result from "女 おんな onna".
"女" means a woman.
It can break down "女" to parts, it becomes "くノ一".
So, a woman Ninja is called "くノ一".

I don't know whether "しのぶさん" is a Ninja or "くノ一".

If you want to know more detail (and by correct English) about Ninja, please read above a item of wikipedia or a page of "What's Nija?"

Currently, I can see 2 items at His/Her "Top 3 Goodies Used".
"偵察任務 ていさつにんむ teisatsuninmu" means a reconnaissance mission.
"隠密行動 おんみつこうどう onmitsukoudou" means a covert action or espionage activities.

I don't know a difference between ”偵察任務" and "隠密行動".
I think that He/She complements "まんぞくさん" in the game.

神出鬼没しんしゅつきぼつ shinshutukibotsu

"神出鬼没" means "comes and goes most unexpectedly" or "(seem to) be everywhere at once".

忍装束 しのびしょうぞく shinobi shouzoku
"装束" means a costume. It use mainly old japanese costume.
This word is used mainly to old japanese costume.
That is, this means "Ninja Costume".

みかづきさん mikaduki san

"三日月" means crescent and decrescent moon in a broad sense.

おとなしい otonashii

"おとなしい" means gentle,quiet or well-behaved.

とんがり帽子 とんがりぼうし tongariboushi

"とんがり帽子" means a witch hat or pointy hat.
"尖り とがり/とんがり" means a sharp point.
"帽子" means a hat.

Probably,She is is modeled after a witch.

名前 san

